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Hogwarts Legacy Dev With Controversial YouTube Past Explains Why He Left The Studio

Game developer Troy Leavitt, who found himself in hot water after coming under fire for his controversial YouTube channel, has explained why he left Harry Potter: Hogwarts Legacy studio Avalanche Software. He released the recording of a video presentation he gave to colleagues at the time of his departure, which spells out the reasons for his departure, his reaction to the articles written about him, and more.

He started by laying out a timeline. In January 2020, before the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Leavitt said he received some “difficult news” about his family. By April of 2020, he told HR that he was planning to retire in August of 2020 and then move to Nevada to be closer to family and help with the “family issues.” The Avalanche team suggested that Leavitt instead take some time off and come back when he could, and that’s what he did.